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     My Essential Oils


Since I just started using my essential oils I am learning their benefits:


Some I've tried:

1.  Peppermint: I use this for acid reflux, 1 drop in 8oz glass of water daily helps control my reflux.

2.  I use my diffuser daily with different oils, lavendar, thieves, purification.  My favorite is purification.

3. I used the peace and calming oil mixed with olive oil on feet of granddaughters for a calming effect for sleeping.

4. I love frankincense:  I use it on my face twice daily. I have a spot on my forehead that I've tried everything to heal and this is healing it.  I also made a face cream that I am now using with pure virgin coconut oil and frankincense, I do feel an improvement in the texture of my skin and hoping it will help with some age spots that again I've tried lots of other things on.  Will report results when I see them.

5.  I take 1 drop of lemon oil in 8oz glass of water daily for health benefits. 

6.  Made some bathroom spray and cleaner, using theives oil and lemon and lavendar.


I know there are a lot of recipes and testimonies out there on the internet, but like everything one needs to be informed and cautious when experimenting with essential oils.

I do want to experiment with some of the oil recipes I've found on internet and will report on my results.

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